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Located in the Oltre Po Pavese region, this small (120m²)  holiday home of a young Milanese couple was built on a piece of land with a slight slope of about 3000 sq.m. The new home is fully made of a reinforced concrete monobloc positioned at the natural level  of the  ground and of an open space in front of it, for the enjoyment of the air and the surrounding nature in summer.

Third Award | RTFA 2017 Awards
Category: Residence (Built)

Project Details
Studio Name: 35ASTUDIO Di Architettura
Team Members: Andrea Carmignola,  Janko Mauri
Country:  Italy
House R | 35ASTUDIO Di Architettura - Sheet2

©35ASTUDIO Di Architettura

This holiday home is conceived  as an open-space on two floors articulated in a single double-height volume ; characteristics of the house are  its  lofts and the  45-degree rotation of the  traditional roof cover. The result is the creation  of four  identical, stereometric and  trapezoidal sections.
The internal distribution of functions is quite simple.
The interior space is divided as follows: on the ground floor we find  the living and dining area,  accessible from the outside garden through large sliding windows , in addition to the main access door,  also glazed.

House R | 35ASTUDIO Di Architettura - Sheet3

©35ASTUDIO Di Architettura

The open-space ground floor is divided into a large double-height living area, a dining area located below the mezzanine and the open-space kitchen with concrete worktop and treated maple doors; a small bathroom with floor-to-wall and wall-clad disengagement with green cement serves both  the ground floor and  the upper floor.
The access to the sleeping area is ensured by an open  staircase made of reinforced concrete, inserted into wall blocks  also made of the same material ; the staircase is  adjacent  the living room.
On the upper loft floor there are the two fully open  bedrooms, overlooking   the living area;  from the bedrooms’  large windows you can enjoy the view of the surrounding landscape .

The relationship with the landscape is guaranteed by  large  wood windows , some of them openable and others fixed, which together   allow light, air and the view of the surrounding hills; all the openings are in fact designed according to the need of offering the best external sight.
The material used in the construction is mainly  reinforced concrete,   completely in sight in the interior spaces.
The reinforced concrete, used to eliminate any structural element inside and reduce  the construction costs, was placed  using  common yellow panels and leaving it internally exposed.

House R | 35ASTUDIO Di Architettura - Sheet4

©35ASTUDIO Di Architettura

The materiality of the few solid wood elements (kitchen, bathroom door, furniture and window frames); the elegance of the floors, made of monolithic concrete helicoptered  castings and finished with quartz paste; the rough texture of the exposed concrete walls and exposed ceiling. All these characteristics   help highlight the most sensitive and material aspects of the architectural work.
The exterior finishes of the building ensure continuity with the interior; all the facades  are finished with a dark-gray,  coarse-grained , heat-reflective   plaster, grossly spread with a trowel; also the two-fold, forty-five-degree , double-faced cover is  treated with poor material, normally  used in industrial shells (gray glove). It follows and confirms  the brutalist  language of the whole work.

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